The Town (2010) Movie is the tale of Four Thieves men in Charlestown, Massachusetts as they are pursued by law enforcement. Affleck plays a professional thief who falls for a bank manager (Rebecca Hall) after a dangerous heist. He struggles with this newfound relationship whilst evading a tenacious FBI agent (Jon Hamm) looking to catch him and his crew before they rob another bank.Watch The Town (2010) Full Movie Online Streaming.

Release Date: September 17, 2010

Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

Director: Ben Affleck

Screenwriter: Ben Affleck, Peter Craig, Aaron Stockard

Starring: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Blake Lively, Pete Postlethwaite, Chris Cooper

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R (for strong violence, pervasive language, some sexuality and drug use)


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