The Resident Evil: Afterlife movie is an upcoming 3D science fiction action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, and starring Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Wentworth Miller, Kim Coates, Spencer Locke, Boris Kodjoe and Shawn Roberts. It is the fourth installment in a series of film adaptations based loosely on Capcom's survival horror video game series Resident Evil. It is also the first film in the series to be released in 3D. In the film Alice searches for and rescues remaining survivors in Los Angeles of the T-virus outbreak, who team up against Albert Wesker, the head of the Umbrella Corporation. Watch Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) Movie Full online Streaming.

Release Date: September 10, 2010 (3D/2D theaters and IMAX 3D)
Studio: Screen Gems (Sony)
Director: Paul W.S. Anderson
Screenwriter: Paul W.S. Anderson
Starring: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Kim Coates, Shawn Roberts, Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Spencer Locke, Boris Kodjoe, Wentworth Miller, Sienna Guillory
Genre: Action, Horror
MPAA Rating: R (for sequences of strong violence and language)


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